Building trust by being authentic

Authenticity wins — but it fails if you fake it.

No matter which sector or industry you find yourself in, authenticity is more critical to building trust than ever before.

Despite this, the Gustavson Brand Trust Index reported that trust had declined for almost all brands. It discovered that while trust in key institutions has been eroding significantly over the past few years, the average brand trust scores for all brands surveyed in 2020 were at an all-time low.

This is making consumers more conscious about what they buy, and from which brands and sources.

Take a look at how this plays out for the quickly growing younger generations.

Authenticity and Millennials

  • 83% want companies to have the same values as they do.

  • 76% want CEOs to speak out on issues they care about.

  • 62% favor products that show off their political and social beliefs in their messaging.

Authenticity and Generation Z

Authenticity may be even more important to Gen Z — and by 2026, they will outnumber Millennials.

Gen Z's behaviors revolve around their search for truth. Based on research and behaviour, Frontify learned that Gen Z say they trust brands that use real people in their advertising and are more likely to buy from those that support social causes. They're also quick to stop buying brands they think are racist, homophobic or macho, for example.

“Gen Zers value individual expression and avoid labels. They mobilize themselves for a variety of causes. They believe profoundly in the efficacy of dialogue to solve conflicts and improve the world. Finally, they make decisions and relate to institutions in a highly analytical and pragmatic way. That is why, for us, Gen Z is ‘True Gen.’” — McKinsey report

They “prefer brands that are authentic, trusting brands that use real people in their advertising and are more likely to buy from those that support social causes.

Where does your organization or brand fall?

Authenticity can show up differently in different places.

It's always good to look back at your communications and content and ask:

How authentic is your branding, messaging, and content?

Are your communications coming across as trustworthy?


The ultimate act of living your brand values and using business for good: Patagonia’s future


Use your brand as a force for good — it’s good for business