4 things founders need to know about marketing

Founders and leaders are busy — often dealing with demands from every area of the business, and time doesn’t always allow you to focus on everything adequately. Marketing can get pushed to the side when there’s a crisis or other urgent demands arise.

But the world doesn’t stop. Competition doesn’t go away. Your audience doesn’t take a break while you’re focusing elsewhere.

That’s why it’s so important to have a strategy, goals and the right team in place so that marketing can still move forward effectively, while the founder’s focus is elsewhere.

Here are four things that founders need to know about marketing.

It’s as much about targeting and testing as it is about tactics.

Often founders dive in to typical tactics and make decisions about what platforms to be on or where to advertise, without clearly identifying and building out their ideal customer profiles and setting up targeting audiences — so you can be where your customer is and speak their language.

You need a solid strategy.

A detailed marketing plan with actionable steps for the quarter or year. This can adapt and pivot as your product/service or business evolves, and as the market or climate changes. But if there’s no clear strategy, you won’t be able to assess what fits or aligns with your goals and brand. It’s not one and done.

Marketing doesn’t get “finished”.

It’s ongoing, and iterative and something you’ll need to check in on regularly — and have others who do so daily for you.

Identify what success actually looks like for you.

Followers are always nice, but vanity metrics aren’t what move the needle when it comes to your business goals.

If you’re looking for support with marketing, there’s help right here.

Find out more about my fractional strategic marketing leadership or my one-on-one sessions.


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